Brain Cane & scrap veneer

by Nancy
(Spring City, TN)

What brand of clay did you use?


What colors did you use? If you mixed them yourself you can include a color recipe here if you like.

Skinner blend with Purple Pearl & Bright Green Pearl and wrapped with White.

Tell us how it went. Was it fun? Easy? Hard? Did you struggle with anything?

Love this cane because the building of it is so hap-hazard. You cannot make a mistake! I like using the same colors to make many brain canes as the result is different every time.

Anything else you would like to share with us?

I used the scraps to make a Bargello veneer.

Comments for Brain Cane & scrap veneer

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Dec 09, 2018
Fantastic colors
by: Patricia

I love your brain cane. It's amazing how effective just two well chosen colors can be. Bravo!

Oct 01, 2017
I love it
by: Samantha

Thank you for your submission. I love the kaleidoscope.

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